2013-10-16 | 23:45:00

Liquid Flowers by Jack Long

Vill bara tillägga på svenska först att Jack Long har tagit fantastiska bilder med vätska. Jag tycker det är helt magiskt och krävs helt klart uppmärksamhet så bra gjort som det är.
Shooting for over 35 years, Milwaukee-based photographer Jack Long has recently published an incredible series of high-speed photographs entitled, Vessels and Blooms. On the series, Jack remarks:
“I wanted to advance my fluid suspension/high speed photography to a higher level. I created the liquid vase in the autumn of 2011. I worked on creating the floral forms and leaves through the winter and put it all together Spring 2012. All of my images, unless otherwise noted are single capture events. I do not use photoshop to create composited images. What you see is what occurred in that single exposure.”
“My whole drive in life has been to make a better photograph. Better than I did before, better than my competition, (yes we all have competition in a matter of speaking), Better than the photograph I made just yesterday. I want to find the NEW in what I choose to explore and have that stand as a piece of Art with a capital A.

If I do not engage my viewer, I have failed. If I do not sell a skillfully printed and presented print , I have failed. If my client asks to have an image re-shot…I have failed. It is this fear of failure that drives me to create images that scream SUCCESS!” – Jack Long

Om du vill se fler bilder så kan du finna det i hans galleri: direktlänk.

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